Thursday, April 23, 2020

Rainbow Goes Wild Part One 4/27-5/1

Hi, students:

Great feedback on your appreciation Art Critique. I have learned a lot from you!
I want to share the excellent insights:
What a meaningful big idea should be? Thanks to this 8th-grade student.- D. N.
1. The big idea should be a big life statement that can apply to anyone, not just the artist. I noticed that lots of students had big ideas that I could take to make my own life better, and they weren't just specific to the artist.
2. Often, explaining small details in the artwork will really support the big idea. For example, many successful students highlighted how little decisions such as color, line, and background in their artwork were made to support the big idea. 3. The big idea should convey a positive message. The big ideas that I read made me feel hopeful and optimistic that life will be better. Even when times are rough, these big ideas showed that there is still hope.

Theme: Rainbow Goes Wild
Idea:  Understand the color theory and use Color Wheel as your reference to create the Art challenge.

Color Wheel Theory: art creations related to the color wheel that also can be expressed with the variety of color schemes. To understand how to pick the best color schemes, it’s first important to understand the three different types of colors.
Combining primary, secondary, and tertiary colors together, we get the color wheel.

Colors opposite from each other on the color wheel are said to be complementary.
Contrasting themes can liven up any artwork
Analogous color schemes use colors that are next to each other on the color wheel. They usually match well and create serene and comfortable designs. 

The monochromatic (or mono) scheme is a color scheme based on only one, single color tint. It uses only variations (shades) of a single hue, made by altering the saturation and brightness of the base color. 

Materials/ Medium:  You can use any medium to do this project. You must show 50 minutes per/week art studio time that you commit to this project.  If no evidence is shown in the art-making process it CANNOT be called Art Work.  
Art styles:   You must show an Art style. 
The common art styles are- 
  • Realism 
  • Pop Art
  • Cubism
  • Art Deco
  • Abstract 
  • Expressionism 
  • Surrealism 
  • Symbolism
  • Impressionism
  • Post-Impressionism
  • Still Life
More references can be found in Here: Art Styles

Project periods: 2weeks
Part 1 is from 4/27 to 5/1
Studio time: 50 minutes per week
Google Classroom assignment: Google Doc. Worksheet. Please answer every question.

Part 2 is from 5/4 to  5/8
Studio time: 50 minutes per week
Google Classroom assignment :
1. Submit your final product through a slide 
Please indicate the following Rubrics in the slide:
*Color Scheme:
Choices are-Color wheel, Complementary colors, Analogous colors or Monicrametic colors
*Art Style
*Big Idea: 

  • An insight from personal life experiences and interests to engage the audience.
  • A description of explaining details in the artwork to support the big idea.
  • A strong and positive phrase that provides inspiration for all. 

2. Submit a Checklist.
The final slide example:
 The Rainbow tree is REAL

All artworks will be posted in the Online Gallery.

Art Color Wheel examples with different materials
Video performance with colors

Color Wheel involved with art materials
Food coloring 
Natural food colors
3D sculpture with color papers
Color playdough or model magic 
Found objects collage
Painting /drawing with a color wheel

Decorate old household items
Graphic photo design/ digital art 
Art example related to other color schemes
Complementary colors

Analogous Colors

monochromatic  colors