Friday, April 24, 2020

AOA-Lantern Festival Part One 4/27-5/8

Art of Asia - Lantern Festival

Hi, students:

Great feedback on your appreciation Art Critique. I have learned a lot from all of you!

I want to share the excellent insights:

What a meaningful big idea should be? Thanks to this 8th-grade student.- D. N.
1. The big idea should be a big life statement that can apply to anyone, not just the artist. I noticed that lots of students had big ideas that I could take to make my own life better, and they weren't just specific to the artist.
2. Often, explaining small details in the artwork will really support the big idea. For example, many successful students highlighted how little decisions such as color, line, and background in their artwork were made to support the big idea. 3. The big idea should convey a positive message. The big ideas that I read made me feel hopeful and optimistic that life will be better. Even when times are rough, these big ideas showed that there is still hope.

Project: Lantern Festival
Theme:  Create a unique and symbolic lantern in 3 D sculpture
or 2D drawing/ painting 
Essential Questions: 
1. What do lanterns symbolize?
2. By making your own lantern, what is your deepest hope to the world?
Materials: Any materials you can find in the house. In this project you have two options: you can create a three-dimensional sculpture lantern or you can draw or paint a two-dimensional lantern theme-related picture.  

Part One from 4/27-5/1
Brainstorming /Get inspired: 25 minutes
Google Classroom Assignment: Submit a google doc. worksheet 
Remember this week is to work on the plan, you will need to submit your final slide the following week. I will post the final slide to the online gallery. 

Part Two from 5/4-5/8 
Studio time: Follow your plan and produce the final artwork 40 minutes
Google Classroom Assignment:  Submit a slide and assessment 10 minutes
The final slide should have the following components: 
1. Image of the artwork
* Option 1: Three-Dimension lantern sculpture: Two pictures or more of the lanterns from different perspectives. 
*Option 2: Two- Dimension lantern drawing/painting: One focused clear picture with a full detailed and colored background. 
2. Description of the Big idea: By making create lantern theme-related artwork, what is your deepest hope to the world? You can talk about your feeling or make a poem. You can create a musical piece.  The size of the font should be "16" or bigger. The size small than "16" would be difficult to read. 
The final slide examples:
Option1- 3D Sculpture 

Option2- 2D Drawing/ Painting 
1. Watch the following films.

This one is the Pingxi Sky Lantern Festival in Taiwan

This one is the Lantern Festival in China. 

2. Think about the symbolic meaning of your lantern and design the unique lantern with materials you can find in the house. Be meaningful,  be functional, and be safe!
3. You have two options: 
Option1: 3D Latern sculpture 
See lanterns from online artists:
It can be a paper sculpture lantern!

  • It can be a found object lantern!    
  •  The Lantern can be made through the combination of recycled materials 

Lanterns made of recycled materials.

Lanterns made by paper cups. 

Lantern made by folding papers 
 Option 2: Make a drawing/ painting related to lanterns with a detailed colored background.