Monday, March 30, 2020

How I Am Gallery

Blake  M.
Divya N.
I chose to present a photo I took of a beautiful female cardinal from my backyard. Like the cardinal, I am curious and energetic, and I love spring and being outdoors. On the morning that I took the photo, I woke up early and waited outside for an hour as it started to rain. The skies were stormy and all my shots were too dark, but when I went out later that afternoon, the sun was peeking between the clouds. If you look closely, you can see droplets of rain on the berries and twigs behind the cardinal. This shows resilience during difficult times; although current times present hardships, with patience, the storm will blow over and the sun will come out.
Kieran S.
Since school is canceled I have lots of the day open to do anything but its kinda boring not being able to talk and hang out with my friends. I do not have a lot of things at my house and since I can't go outside I have nothing to do. So, in the end, I'm bored but relaxed. I did the painting emojis art to express how I'm doing over the break. I put it in black and white because it shows that I'm bored. I went over it sharpie so you could see better.
Jack G.
This Piece attempts to demonstrate my mental and emotional state in these days of social distancing. This drawing uses the metaphor of an island compared to my mental and emotional status. An island is relaxed, but also is isolated from the rest of the world. This is very similar to my mental condition, relaxed and relieved to have a break but also isolated from the rest of the world, including my friends. This piece is inspired by John Donne’s quote, “no man is an island.” These days I feel somewhat like an island, without my friends to rely on and enjoy life to the fullest. 
Elsa M.
I painted my phone case with acrylic paints, and it is showing how I am feeling in these confusing times, the background is gray because these times are hard to understand and cope with, but the blossoms are bright blue and purple showing that one has to look for the light
and color in confusing times in order to move on
Aidan G
Life at home is boring but fun times are always going to be there. The recent COVID-19 pandemic has caused schools to close, leading to all athletic fields to close as well. This hit home to me because I loved playing baseball on the field whenever I had the chance. But right now we all need to make adjustments and that's just what I did. I choose to take my baseball skills to my front yard where I practice every day to improve my abilities. In my drawing, I choose to represent this with an uncolored field and a fully colored person to show sadness. I also chose to color the equipment I had in gold to show brightness and hope.
Karina S.
I am doing well. I have been going for runs, spending time I am doing well. I have been going for runs, spending time with my family, baking, learning new things, reading, painting playing sports and much more with my family, baking, learning new things, reading, painting playing sports and much more.
Selin S
Eva A.
Their names are Jade plant, Haworthiopsis Limifolia, and Echeveria Agavoides. (I am not sure if the spelling is right). It represents “How you are” in a way that it is my new hobby
that I found in these hard and boring times of the quarantine. Since I am not allowed to go outside a lot, I brought a little bit of nature from outside into my room. My mom bought them for me on Wilson Farm that I love next to. Now I take good care of them. Water them once a week, since succulents die of overwatering, make sure that they get enough sunlight and stay in the lightest spot in my room.
Cheng C.
I expressed “How I am” through a drawing that I put considerable effort and time into. The drawing expresses how I’m doing fine and happy through the big smiling face in the middle (Which is me) with a huge thumbs up. I also expressed how I feel safe away from the coronavirus inside my house as represented by the coronavirus lurking outside the black box (House) and not being able to get in. Lastly, I also expressed how I pass time in my house by drawing the various activities that I like to do such as running on the treadmill, playing Monopoly, calling my best friend “SamTheHam”, etc. :) :) :) :) :).
Charles P.
A typical day for me during the pandemic is very different from a regular day because I am not allowed to hang out with friends and go to any stores. This can make the days very boring. But I have been finding things to do for example I have been going on mountain bike rides every day and I have also been going on runs every day. I have also been playing Xbox with the boys twice a day and that is when I socialize with my friends.  
Sofia G.
My project shows that my friends and I are all lonely and isolated. The four cupcakes in the middle represent my family and the others represent my friends and other people. Since everyone is social distancing, everyone is pretty much stuck in their houses. The chocolate chips are representing the walls of the houses that the cupcakes are stuck in. I decided to use cupcakes because I love to bake and I’ve been baking as a cure for boredom while stuck in quarantine. I used sprinkles inside the cupcakes to represent our emotions. Even though we are stuck at home, we have many emotions including happiness or excitement, and that’s what the sprinkles represent.
Abbigail W.
This piece is about how I’m feeling with the Coronavirus and all the panic in the world. I feel like we are so afraid that it is all we think about, even if there are many other good things happening in the world. The girl is trapped in a dark bubble, which symbolizes her thoughts and feelings. However, outside that bubble is light, but she doesn’t realize it. If we take our minds off the bad things, we can notice good things around us.
Lauren J.
This piece represents how I’m feeling right now because I am really mainly feeling: *Sad because I can’t do anything that normally makes me happy, like swim or hang out with friends. *Angry, because some people aren’t following the quarantine guidelines, thus lengthening the time we are going to need to be stuck at home. *Tired, because I can’t get out and exercise as much as I normally do, so I can’t sleep as well. *Bored, because there’s nothing to do. *And lonely, because I can’t see any of my friends.
Keesha N.
Michael D.
In my opinion, this picture is symbolic art because it symbolizes that my family and I need to go out and get some exercise. Being stuck in the house almost all day gives us a trapped feeling, and it is not nice. To get rid of this feeling and our frustration we go on long bike rides while avoiding other people and being cautious, this gives us a temporary feeling of openness and freedom. We want to get as much fresh air and exercise as possible before we go into full lockdown, this claustrophobic feeling must be extracted from me, these bike rides are the best thing for me that takes away this horrible feeling.  
Mia R.
 I made a Delta Airlines airplane for this project because my family and I love to travel to new places and to try new things. Every summer, before our annual trip to Estonia, together we go to some National Parks in the U.S. to hike and explore. Those trips have been my favorite of all the places we’ve gone. And to get there, we always flew with Delta Airlines. The airplane I made is supposed to be a similar version of the beginning of new experiences.
Taylor W.
I chose this design because it represents how I am feeling right now. I am feeling mostly good. I showed this in my art by drawing myself smiling and drawing a thumbs-up sign. My art also shows that I am trying to be positive. I am mostly happy and doing well because there is a lot more time for relaxing and just spending time with family. I am also a little sad though because I can’t see any of my friends. That’s why I didn’t draw a huge smile on my face. Overall, though I am doing pretty well.
Medha J.
Adrija S
This abstract art represents my emotions. The form of the art shows how I feel confused sometimes, and the dark and light contrasting colors show my fear and my excitement. There are more light colors because I am happy to be safe with my family, but at the same time, the dark colors show how I am afraid for my family outside the state and country.
Yerin J
I drew about myself in this situation. COVID-19, coronavirus, has changed our life. So I drew some activities that I used to do these days and in the middle of the image, as you can see, there is a girl that’s me. I put emotion on my face, which is nervous, panicky and terrified. Also, I drew me as small because I think I'm a kind of introverted person. However, I drew me as delicate so that express me as I like to organize and be clean.
Celeste L-B.
This art piece is supposed to be showing how alone, barren and isolated it feels right now when there is no one around, nothing to do, it feels empty, dark, and alone, I think the drawing captures it better than I can write. I drew a person floating underwater, it is dark, cold, empty and alone down there and she can’t find the surface because no one knows when this is going to end or where is going. I did not color the whole drawing because these times are bleak and feel a little, colorless. It can feel like your trapped and no matter how far you go in any direction you're still alone, with nothing to do in the same dark, cold, empty, place, alone. Though I have now found things to do and have made a more enjoyable routine, it did, and sometimes still does feel like this.
Julia E
I chose to make this painting to show that we are currently going through a hard time which is why the mountain is the main part of the painting, but the bright vibrant colors behind show that we can make it through. The vibrant colors show that I still feel hopeful and am looking on the bright side of these events.
Zoya D.
This drawing represents how I am feeling. For the most part, I am stuck inside sitting at home, while everything outside is fun and colorful but I’m not allowed to go there. For example, I’m not allowed to see my friends in person. Inside, everything is boring and so I chose the color gray to represent that feeling. In the picture, I’m sitting in the window, feeling sad and looking outside.
Charlotte A
Layla H.
My drawing shows me holding all the things that I like. One of them was my parents' company logo, and another was a pizza. I chose pizza because it is my favorite food. I also chose lacrosse sticks because lacrosse is my favorite sport. And I put a colored pencil to show how much I like doing art. I also put the necklace with my name on it to show one of my favorite pieces of jewelry. And I made my nails blue to show my favorite color.
Victoria W.
Garbins B
I drew this palm tree because when you look at it you see a green leaf. For me that the symbol of vacation. I like to think of palm trees as a relaxed object and that’s can change my mood. Rather worry about the coronavirus and quarantine I like to think of something positive.
Aditi N
I am trying to explore new things while we are at home. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have been quarantined in hope to slow down the virus. The earth is only partially colored in because those are things I already know how to do. The blank part is things that I’m trying to learn to do.
Corey Z
I feel fine and normal, it’s just that I’m stuck at home and can’t play with my friends or go outside. The picture shows me stuck in a cage because I feel confined there and cannot freely go outside anymore.
Sarah F
During this break, I have been bored and to help with the boredom I have been editing photos on photoshop. I edited this photo to symbolize how teens are consumed in their phones and oblivious to the outside world. In this photo, I took a picture of my sister and brought up the brightness in photoshop but I also put a dark vintage look on it to emphasize the subject.
Reina M
This drawing represents who I am through simple sketches. I used the book to represent me telling my story through these few images. The top shows ballet, which I enjoy doing, and still have been doing throughout this time that school is closed. The top left sketch represents drawing, which I also enjoy doing. The bottom left represents my dreams for the future in thought bubbles, and the image on the right side of my photo is my family. Although the message of my drawing is quite simple and not deep, I believe it conveys who I am in a succinct way.
Antania P
I am doing fine but I am a little sad because it was my birthday a few days ago and I am stuck at my house. The only time I go outside is to play badminton with my brother.
Kimaya B
This painting I made represents how I am by the tree. The tree represents me because it is alone and in a way, I am alone because I haven’t seen any of my friends in a really long time. The tree I painted has no other similar trees around it. The sparkles in the background can convey the fun and happy things I have learned or done during these past few weeks, such as baking, running, and doing fun things with my family. Lastly, the dark background stands for the dark time we are all going through with corona but the light moon that contrasts it stands for the things we have learned from coronavirus. 
Samantha F
Over this extended stay at home, I am feeling fine. I am not good, because I am stuck inside my house and cannot see my friends or extended family, which I showed through my art with the walls of the cube darkening the inside figure. However, I am not bad because I have such a large amount of free time that is stress-free, and a good time to do things that interest me. I showed my feelings through my piece with a happy figure stuck inside a cube, but the cube was causing it to be a little less joyous.
Brianna K
The theme of this art piece is “Creativity”. It is made of multiple different materials Including polymer clay, ½ plastic ornament, moss, fake grass, pebbles, and hot glue as an adhesive. My original plan was to have an underwater theme, including the resin. But after careful consideration involving the curing time the resin would require, I decided it would be better to modify the plan to something I’m more comfortable using. So, this 3D artwork represents a creative person’s mind. Inside the brain is a woods theme with trees grass and pebbles. I choose this because during this pandemic I believe we should all be working on our creative sides for finding things to do besides watch T.V. and play on our phones. Some ways to make this time stuck at home fun.
Tyler T.
For my “How you are” art project I chose to do snoopy laying on his doghouse because he seemed really relaxed and chill laying on his doghouse and that’s kinda how it is for me right now. It is kind of unfortunate though because we can’t go outside, see people, talk to people and it is just boring. So, in the end, it’s a kind of boring chill time right now.
Rithika V.
I choose to make this beach at a sunset time to show that I am relaxed. I am relaxed and well because this helped me a lot to relax from school work which can be very stressful at times. I have been doing lots and lots of art because it helps me calm down from the outside world. I have also been playing with my brother and family, organizing, doing art and watching some movies. I do appreciate that this time has allowed me to get some family and free time but it can be boring at some times. I thought this beach would show relaxation because beaches are a place to have fun and relax. They are also very pretty at sunset/ sunrise time.
Lucy W.
Lately, I’ve been feeling really bored because I’ve been cooped up inside, so I decided to depict that in my drawing. In this drawing, it shows a girl laying down and clutching her face, her eyes are half open and her face is supposed to show disinterest. I was considering expressing an emotion that was more powerful like fear, anxiety, or sadness, but I realized that most of my days are dominated by a feeling of boredom because I have nothing to do. 
Kyra M
I chose this design because it represents the way that I feel. For the background, I chose to have a relaxing calming water scene because I feel really relaxed and calm. Despite the craziness that is going on in the world right now, I am actually quite calm. I have the same amount of activities (over Zoom) as I used to, or maybe even more! I have more time to relax and enjoy my time at home. 
Zereh D
This image shows how I am because at first when school was canceled I felt very insecure like the blossoming flower petals but as I understood the situation more and more I started to feel more secure and supported by my parents which is how that small blossoming flower became this more secure and comfortable flower which is something that I feel reflects how I dealt with the situation myself. At first, I was insecure and unstable but after I started to feel more comfortable and stable which is what happened with the flowers in this image.
Sonia K.
Overall I’m okay, however, I miss school. This virus has negatively impacted the whole world and I feel sad knowing about all the lives lost, people who are sick, and people who are unable to work and make money. Although it’s nice to be home and take a break, I know that not everybody has it as good as I do. So even though this piece of art is a little dramatic, it does show that I miss going out into the real world, going to school, and knowing that my family will be safe. The pole represents the coronavirus holding me back and not allowing me (and the world) to go back to the way things used to be (represented by the color). I used watercolors, colored pencils, black marker, cardstock, and a pencil for this.
Ezra R.
My Art represents how I am because I have been doing well, but while we are isolated, many kids, teens, adults, you name it, they turn to screens. Although it can be a good time passer byer, sometimes it captivates you in a way that is unhealthy for you. I make sure to go for walks around the neighborhood and to spend more time with my family instead of only looking at a screen.
Laura W
Adia S.

My art piece reflects how I am doing and how the world is doing. I decided to draw a woman in all black and white to reflect the tough times that people all over the world are going through. The background is made up of pages from my favorite books because I wanted to connect my daily life activities with how I am doing. Reading is something that brings me joy and peacefulness in this chaotic time and is something that I have been able to do a lot during this time at home.
Harjyot K.
Swati S.
Jake T.
For my picture, I drew someone sleeping, one of my favorite activities throughout the quarantine. The room being closed symbolizes how were stuck inside and can't leave. Netflix is something that I have been using a lot so I decided to add it in. The lack of color in the picture is purposely bland to symbolize how boring the break has been.
Krissh K.
Jovon R.
For this project, I decided to sketch a portrait of myself that represents how I feel during this tough time that we are going through with the virus. In the portrait, my facial expression remains normal, because although we are going through something very tough, it is important to remain calm but remember how serious the matter is at the same time.
Maya R.
This week I have been trying to be more musical by playing guitar. I have been learning Let Her Go by Passenger. I decided I wanted to learn how to pick instead of strumming because it was harder and something I had never done before. It was hard at first but with more practice, I learned and understood the new chords faster. I didn't learn a lot considering I started on Monday and it was hard for me to pick up, but I think the progress I made was good. I am proud of what I accomplished. I have always wanted to learn that song and I am so happy that I have finally learned some of it. I haven't learned it all but I think if I keep at it I can finish it all by the end of April.

Vivian W.
Lucy A.
The break from school and everything have been pretty boring, but it has allowed me to try new things and get creative! So, in some ways, it has been fun. I enjoyed making my art project because it was fun to draw it and was more fun than doing other things. This is my art project. I started by drawing lines across it in pencil and with a ruler, then traced them in black pencil. Then I drew four shapes amongst the lines: A circle, triangle, square, and an octagon. Then, each section of the paper was colored a different color in an ombre, from dark to light or light to dark. Then, dots were put on those sections in a color that matched the rest of the space. The dots were put bigger at the dark end and smaller at the light end. 
Reja H.
I am very bored at home and want to be with friends. I have nothing to do, I have finished my schoolwork and can't think of anything to do.
Weston T.
Eric C.
Zachary K.
Julia L.
Emily G.
Jahdalynn M
Shuntavi S-O
Taha S.
Zoe P.
Social distancing has been a really hard time for me, but I have been working really hard to overcome the challenges I am faced with. Throughout my life music has been an outlet for me to express my emotions. Whenever I’m sad, or angry I practice piano and more recently singing, and I immediately relax and pour all of my emotions into my music. I am a very emotional player, which is one of the reasons that music has helped me so much through this tough time. Songwriting is new to me, and this was a challenge, but with a little help from my piano teacher, and a lot of practice, and love for music I was able to write this song. Overall I have gotten used to being isolated, and have taken this time to spend more time with family and practicing music, along with other things, such as setting up our new vacation house, and facetiming lots of extended families! 
Rebekkah C
Jake G
Chloe H.
Kabir G
Victor H.
My picture represents how the COVID-19 pandemic has had a huge impact on my life. I drew a coronavirus by tracing a picture. I put the coronavirus in front of the background, showing how much COVID-19 has impacted my life. In the front is what is happening in real life, and in the background are my emotions. My calm life (represented in blue) was overtaken by fear of the virus (red), and my normal life (blue) faded away. However, as time passes, I begin to see that instead of just doing nothing and staying at home, I could use this time to do stuff (green). The theme of my drawing is that while the COVID-19 pandemic may be scary and has taken over my life, instead of wasting my time at home, there is always something to do, something to pursue.
Kaitlyn O.
Physically, I’m very short and I look weak, but on the inside, I’m strong even though I’m also really shy. People describe me as very creative and I guess I do like to create things and think of interesting new ways to do things. In this drawing, I tried to represent myself being shy by using a popular emoji sign meaning shy (🥺👉👈). From the point of technique, I actually tried a different way of shading hair, in an anime type style. I always try different styles of art and shading to see which one I like the best and which one fits me. 
Larine O.
Keyano R.

Sofia R.
This COVID-19 pandemic has been messing with my emotions. One of the ways I like to calm myself down and make myself happy is drawing. I usually draw things like realistic eyes, but for this art project, I wanted to step out of my comfort zone and try to draw a full self-portrait. I’m not quite sure how I feel about it but I’m proud of myself for trying something new instead of trying to draw the same eye over and over again.
Stephanie W.
I've been doing pretty well during the quarantine. For the first few days or so, I was incredibly bored, since I didn’t really have anything to do. Luckily, a lot of my friends used the same social media platforms as me, so it was pretty easy to stay in touch. A lot of my classes moved online too, and I also began having online school. This was all great, as my routine during these hectic times began resembling my normal routine more and more, but since everything now was online,  I realized that I was spending a lot more time on my phone and other electronics. It’s great that everything could be so easily transferred over to the internet, but it’s also unhealthy to be online too much so I’m planning to try and take a break from my electronics when I’m not using them for schoolwork during the next few days.
David W.
This drawing of a cat sleeping peacefully represents how I am feeling. It represents peace, and health, how I am. I chose a cat because cats are my favorite animal, and I feel like cats are usually very calm.
Sam Z.
NishTha C.
Alexandra M.
Dilan O
Shreya P
Yuki U.
Sophia P.
Lillian X.
Frank Z.
Radhika H
Katherine P
Noa H.
Erik A.
I drew this picture of a guy saying “boredom is my curse” because that is how i feel right now, we are so used to constantly doing things that when something like this happens we fell so unstimulated leading to boredom. But, it is important to remember that there will be a time were everything will go back to how it is supposed to be, so we just have to hold on for a little while and long for the day when we return to normality.