Friday, May 29, 2020

Transform Paper into Art part 1( 6/1-6/5)

Transform Paper into Art part 1( 6/1-6/5) 

Objective:  Explore various ideas to create a paper sculpture based on a theme by using any type of paper.
Here is the film about the overview of this lesson. 
The possibility of paper sculpture-Artist introduction-  Mr. Li HongBo
From the traditional Chinese fork Art paper sculptures to modern art -flexible paper sculptures.

 Beijing Artist -Li HongBo was inspired by the traditional fork art paper sculpture method

1. How did the artist Li Honbo get his ideas to create his own artwork?
2. Based on the videos, what are the similarities and differences between traditional art and contemporary art?
3. Why is important we learn the art from other culture?

More modern paper sculptures from artists: Resources are from Transform Paper into Art

This is a 2-weeks lesson.  
Part 1: Planning: understanding the lesson and brainstorm ideas: join the Google Meet or submit the Google doc. worksheet.

1. Understand the lesson
2. Planning.
Due Date: 6/5

Part 2: implementing the plan and produce the final slide 
Studio time: 50 minutes
Google Classroom Assignment: Create a slide.

1. You must have a school-appropriate title.
2. You must use some adhesive medium or attached device to joint paper sculpture: glue, stapler, or tape.
3. You must use some building techniques to create the artwork. 
4. Must have a big idea to offer so that others might benefit from it. You can write a poem or a description of the big idea.
Dute Date: 6/12

How to form a big Idea?
1. What are the things we value in our lives? Do others share these same values? 
2. What issues are important to us and would motivate us to take action? 
3. What can we offer so that others might benefit from our actions?
When you transform paper into art, please remember: 
You are on a mission with Ms. Hsieh to spread the positive energy to "turn over" the current situation. We will continue to make a positive impact on people. We can all heal through this process together.We will carry the legacy of Boston Strong. 
Art is a powerful way of communication. 
 When we heal others, we heal ourselves.

To be open-minded.
 Look at a thing from different angles.
Be the positive one to "turn over" the others.  
Love is contagious.

Can't see it ? How about this one?
Look at the left one first and look at the right one. 
Then look at the right for 10 seconds.  

Basic Technique for making a paper sculpture.

Art example with a title:
Title: Dancing Waves
Title: Face the Challenges
  Title: The Warm Breeze
  Title: The White Creatures
 Title: The Infinity Circles
Title: Light up the Possibility
Title: Spiral of Beauty
Title: Stack up the Happiness
Submit a GIF made from GIFMaker .me
You do not need to sign in, to make a GIF.  You can watch the steps below. However, it works on my computer but it may not work for you. Submit a slide is perfectly fine. Please do not use any app that requires you to sign in. It might not be safe. 

1. go GIFMaker. me and click on "upload images " 
 2. upload the close and open picture 
 3. Canvas size keep it 100%; the animation speed is 1550 and repeat times makes it 0
4.  first,  Click on Create GIF Animationthen Click on View the GIF

5. Drag the picture to your desktop. You can submit the GIF to me. If this is not working than submit a slide is a great option.