Saturday, May 16, 2020

Music within the Dreams part 2 (5/18-5/22)

Google Assignment part 2
Submit a Google Doc.  
Insert a draft:

My draft:
Dislocation:  I dislocate Taipei city in Taiwan onto the top of the hair.
Transformation: I transform the end of hair into branches. 
Big Idea: I miss home- Taiwan. I miss my parents and my family. It will be the first time in 20 years I won't be able to go home for the summer to see my parents because of the pandemic. With all the love from my parents, and sisters I draw this picture.  
Song inspired from: I am coming home- Skylar Grey

You have understood the Surrealism style. You also need to include transformation and dislocation when creating a surrealism artwork. 
Transformation: Transformation was the process of taking something familiar and transforming it into something unusual and disturbing.
Dislocation: Dislocation is when objects are placed where they shouldn’t be. 
By now, you must have some idea about the song or music you have in mind.
The relationship between music and art can be divided into two categories:
1. The art depicts the lyrics:
2. The art symbolizes the moral of the song.
Part 3 Google classroom Assignment :
The final slide 
You must include a titlethe big idea and the song that inspired you to show the symbolic meaning of the idea
Examples made by former 8th students with digital art
The art depicts the lyrics

The art symbolizes the moral of the song


Artwork should follow the rubric to complete the assignment. The artwork is not following the rubric will be returned back to you to make adjustments to receive credit.
Art Rubric:
1. A full-size of 8x11 picture to represent Surrealism.
2. Well planned layout to show foreground, middle- ground, and background composition.
2. Enough details to represent your big idea.
3. Color the entire picture includes the background
4. With a craftsmanship
Craftsmanship is the quality that comes from creating with passion, care, and attention to detail. 
Good craftsmanship is to enhance the art quality through the Elements of Art and Principles of design.