Friday, May 1, 2020

Color Wheel Part One( 4/27-5/1)

Theme: Color Wheel
Objective: Students can use any materials they are comfortable with to create their own style of artwork. If we were in the classroom, I would ask the students what they would like to work on for the color wheel? It can be flowers, hearts, shapes, anything they like can link to the concept of the color wheel. 
Reference: Color Wheel
Student can choose from the following options:
Find found objects to decorate the color wheel. 

 magazine collage

Option 2: 
Draw shapes, lines, or any object to decorate the Color Wheel.  

Option 3: 
Paint a color wheel 

Google classroom assignments:
Part one:  Make a plan and submit the Google worksheet
Part two: Produce the artwork and submit a slide
In your final slide, you should include:
Theme: Color Wheel
Art Medium: The materials that are used to create a work of art
Big idea: Personal expression about the artwork
The slide example:

Color Wheel Eye
* painted a 12 section color wheel and
* assembled it into an eyeball