Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Museum Famous Artwork Challenge part 1( 6/1-6/5)

Famous Artwork Challenge
Theme: Recreating the famous artwork of your choice with your unique artistic interpretations.
Look at this film for an overview of the lesson.

1. Choose your favorite artwork. ( school appropriate) 

3. Must have a big idea to offer so that others might benefit from it
2. Recreate a famous Artwork. You must make your own painting, drawing, sculpture, cooking, installation, sculpture, or digital art. 
3. Spend 50 minutes or more on your artwork. Pick an artwork with complexity, so you have much to expend your creativity.   
4. Create a slide for the gallery.

This is a 2-weeks lesson.  
Part 1: Planning
Brainstorming: understanding the lesson and brainstorming the ideas 
Google Classroom assignment:  join the Google Meet or submit the Google doc. worksheet
Due Date: 6/5

Part 2: implementing the plan
Studio time: 50 minutes
Google Classroom Assignment  

Due Date: 6/12
Create a slide including the following components
1. The title of your artwork with your name and last name initial)
The original artwork and the name of the artist. ( This can be a smaller picture)
3. A clear, focused photo of your recreation. Crop out the unnecessary background.
4. A short poem or write a description of the big idea.

Please think about these question when forming the big idea:
1. What are the things we value in our lives? Do others share these same values?
2. What issues are important to us and would motivate us to take action?
3. What can we offer so that others might benefit from our actions?
When you recreate the famous artwork,  please remember: 
You are on a mission with Ms. Hsieh to spread the positive energy to "turn over" the current situation. We will continue to make a positive impact on people. We can all heal through this process together. We will carry the legacy of Boston Strong. 
Art is a powerful way of communication.
 We heal others we heal ourselves.

Cubism is a style of art that aims to show all of the possible viewpoints of a person or an object all at once. It is called Cubism because the items represented in the artworks look like they are made out of cubes and other geometrical shapes. Cubism was first started by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque.
To be open-minded. 
To look at a thing from different angles.
To be the positive one that you can "turn over" others. Love is contagious.
Can't see it ? How about this one?
Look at the left one first and look at the right one. 
Then look at the right for 10 seconds.  

* Why is it important we see Art from different cultures?
* How did the artist of this famous artwork( school appropriate) you have chosen got his/her ideas? Please insert the artwork and do research about this artwork.
* Why do you choose this famous artwork? What has inspired you?
*How do you develop your idea? What is the big idea for this project?

Need to explore famous artworks online?
Link to the following Gallery:  Cadogan Tate

Examples from online artists: 


Discussion and Brainstorm for the following famous artwork

The possible creativity


 Why are these recreations not okay?
 How can we fix them to fulfill the requirements? 

1. The recreation does not have complexity. These are too simple for the middle school level.
2. You are required to spend 50 minutes or more on your final artwork. 
3. You must involve your own piece of artwork in the recreation that includes your own drawing, painting, sculpture, cooking, baking,  installation, or digital art.